Wednesday, August 12, 2015


An unborn baby's major organs begin developing as early as 14 days, but that does not make abortion wrong.

An unborn baby has eyes and the beginning of arms and legs at 28 days, but that does not make abortion wrong.

An unborn baby's heart starts to beat at 6 weeks (before many women even know that they are pregnant), but that does not make abortion wrong.

An unborn baby has fingers, toes and a tiny tongue that can taste at 8 weeks, but that does not make abortion wrong.

An unborn baby can frown, squint, kick, curl toes and make a fist at 12 weeks, but that does not make abortion wrong.

An expecting mother may not show until 16 weeks, but her baby can already hear her voice.  This does not make abortion wrong.

An unborn baby can have dreams at 17 weeks, but that does not make abortion wrong.

An unborn baby can feel excruciating pain by 20 weeks, and research suggests it could be much earlier, but that does not make abortion wrong.

An unborn baby can survive outside the womb by 25 weeks, but that does not make abortion wrong.

An unborn baby can see, hear, taste and touch by 28 weeks, but that does not make abortion wrong.

A woman who has had an abortion is likely to experience guilt and depression for years to come, but that does not make abortion wrong.

An unborn baby is a human life from the very beginning.  That is what makes abortion wrong.

Life does not begin when it looks enough like life to convince a normal person.  It begins at day 1.  Life brings forth life, and no amount of rationalization or clever redefinitions can lessen or eliminate the value of a human life.

King David killed Bathsheba's husband in order to smooth over the fact that he had impregnated her. We all agree that this was murder. Would it have been any different if David had killed the baby and let Uriah live?

Do not be mistaken. Every single life that has been terminated must be accounted for, because it is a reflection of the Immortal God and bears His image. Jehovah said to Noah and his descendants,

"And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being.
'Whoever sheds human blood,
by humans shall their blood be shed;
for in the image of God
has God made mankind.'"

In the eyes of a Holy God, we are a race of murderers.  Not just because of abortion--even without abortion, our passive hatred toward one another makes us no different from murderers in the eyes of Holiness (Matthew 5:21-22).  How enormous is the distance between God and man!  For when I step back to consider how far I am from His nature, I see that the distance between the best and the worst man matters nothing in comparison with the distance between man and God.  But even more, how great and awesome is the strength of the Cross, which reconciles man to God.  How magnificent is the cry of the Lamb who was slain, bidding our filthy race to come and be washed in His blood, calling every single person, regardless of who they are or what they have done, to come eat at the table of mercy and become priests and kings and a spotless Bride before the Living God.  Hallelujah, worthy is the Lamb who was slain!

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